Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

Laser Acne Treatment

After the acne disappears, will usually leave a few problems, such as acne marks that black and disrupt the beauty of our skin. The following is article about laser acne, which help resolve the problems that leave the acne.

Laser acne treatment has been used to eliminate scars resulting from acne as well as a method to clear up existing acne. Scars are common in people who have suffered from severe or cystic acne in the past. Acne scars are difficult to treat and this often results in unhappiness if a scar treatment fails. Laser acne treatment has become increasingly popular as dermatologists have worked toward advancement.

Laser acne treatment is usually prescribed for the later stages of acne, when it appears that scars may form around particularly severely affected areas. Generally, the idea of the laser is to do exactly what you might imagine lasers are for, and just what they're used for in the movies - blasting the scars off your face. To do this, they essentially burn off the top few layers of skin, encouraging new skin to regrow without the scar tissue.

The problem is, the laser acne treatment can cause scarring by itself. While you might remove the acne scars, you might end up with laser scars instead.

The other time when acne laser treatment is prescribed is for some special cases which may respond well, depending on the cause of the condition. The laser is aimed at the acne to destroy any bacteria on the face, back or neck which are causing the acne to develop. Once the bacteria are dead, the theory is that the acne will clear up on it's own.

The advantages of laser acne treatment for scars is that it is easier to be control the depth of treatment than most other treatments. Some people undergoing this procedure only have surface scars and do not require deep treatment to fix. Other people have very deep scars and need a deeper laser penetration. Laser acne treatment is the most successful way to treat your scars uniquely.

The recovery period for laser acne treatment all depends on the amount of treatment you required. Most people will experience swelling and some redness. The swelling usually goes away a lot faster than the redness, which can last for weeks after the treatment. Commonly, your doctor will also give you a topical ointment to apply to your skin following the laser treatment.

Many doctors feel that laser resurfacing isn’t meant for dark skin because it alters the color of skin too dramatically and unpredictably. Others believe that in the hands of a very experienced surgeon, people with darker skin tones can benefit.

Lasers acne treatment is much more invasive than non-ablative lasers. They remove by erosion, melting, evaporation, or vaporization. Ablative lasers are not recommended for use on darker skin colors.