Minggu, 07 September 2008

Some Tips for Acne

Tip1. If you have been prescribed antibiotics for control acne, keep in mind that antibiotics wipe out all types of bacteria in his digestive tract - still the good bacteria. Without good bacteria, you'll have terrible digestion, constipation, and be less able to absorb vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Tip2. Try to take at least two liters of mineral water not including gas every day. When the skin is dehydrated, dead skin cells stay in the skin that can close the pores and help to encourage acne.

Tip3. Eat some extra fresh seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits. You can effortlessly make juices and consume a salad every day, still if only a side dish. You can as well pop in nuts.

This, in turn, can guide to better creation from their acne body can not drive out waste effectively. The toxin passes through their skin instead. To stop this from happening, swap the good bacteria in your digestive area with an excellent quality of probiotics.

Tip4. Reducing red meat and dairy food for the reason these products are hard to digest and raise the levels of acid in the body. As you try to digest large quantity of animal protein in their inner organs, the body can not remove waste products and these are out through the skin - that causes acne.

Tip5. A lot of skin care products on supermarket shelves are chemicals that may worsen his acne. Chemicals can strip skin of its natural oils, specifically skin over produces oil to compensate - thus, stopping their pores and cause acne more presents.

Use only those products which are containing natural ingredients or try using fewer products to permit your skin to heal naturally.

If you dress makeup, by using formulas that are programmed as non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic.

Some products that very helpful for acne are as follows:

- Tea tree oil Body Wash – This type of products can be very helpful for whole body as well as face. - Neem soap - This type of products is very useful for acne because victims its ant parasitic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial properties. Also, calms and soothes irritated skin. - Tea tree oil - This type of products has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial function. It is notable for its use by acne the sick. Use a cotton bud to apply oil for acne stains.

Tip6. Decrease your use of refined sugar and carbohydrates. Current research has shown that eating these foods triggers a procedure that leads to production of too many male hormones.

Tip7. Decrease the stress and that this serves as one of the strongest precursors of acne, especially later than puberty. There are different ways you can decrease stress and the aim for relaxation:

- Exercise - Moderate exercise such as yoga and Tai Chi get better blood flow and skin maintain the healing process. Also raises the position of their inner organs which permits them to remove waste more effectively. - Try some relaxation techniques together with meditation and inhalation exercises.