Kamis, 25 September 2008

Sandra Dewi

Sandra Dewi Bugil

Sandra Dewi Not Bugil

Sandra Dewi have ever become naked Foto victim In internet. And sandra pewi also notices, doesn't be naked in front of camera. In indonesia this campaign called as " Jangan Bugil Di depan Camera"

Sandra dewi Have tips For Hair :

Hair Replacement: You Get What You Pay For

The mythology of hair has come down to us through the ages – from Sampson, whose hair was his power, to Rapunzel, who lowered her locks down from the tower for the sake of true love. Hair is part of our personal mythology whether we like it or not. We attach much of our sense of self to our hair. That’s why, when Hair Loss occurs, through natural genetics or through some medical crisis, it can have a devastating effect on our self image.

Hair Replacement today is far different from hair replacement of years ago. But memories of bad toupees and wigs are still clear in our memories. Today, leading hair replacement experts have re-engineered hair replacement technology. Replacing lost locks today can be a seamless process with virtually undetectable results. However, as with all things, you get what you pay for. As good as the technology is, there are still many hair replacement companies on the internet that will make cheap imitations of the high end products.

First, it is critical that you know your own needs. There are hair replacement products to fit almost everyone, from those who have only patchy hair loss (there are Hair Extensions) to full medical alopecia (or complete hair loss) which might require a more extensive Hair System.

What are your options?

We’ve all seen the TV infomercials about surgical hair replacement. This all looks good: the idea that you could be done once and for all after a surgery and regrow thick, beautiful hair. But what is the reality? Nearly half of the potential surgical hair replacement clients are turned down because their donor hair follicles are not dense or healthy enough. Those that actually have the procedure are not always happy with the results. Rarely do they wind up looking like those people in the infomercials. Cost is another prohibitive factor for surgical hair replacement. It’s very expensive. And you must ask yourself if you’re willing to spend that kind of money without a guaranteed result? For most of us, the answer is no.

That leaves us with non-surgical hair replacement options. On the internet, you can Google many such "Hair by Mail" companies who promise wonderful hair systems that will be undetectable. They instruct you to measure your own scalp – good trick if you can master it – and make a pattern on a piece of paper. This pattern is what they use to fit your hair system to your head. But it’s certainly not an exact science. These particular hair replacement systems look as cheap and do not look natural. Even if they are made of human hair (and some are not) you will be responsible for cutting and styling the hair system to your taste. Not only will you have to attach it alone, but as the hair comes unknotted (and it does!) you will soon be left with thinning hair again and have no option but to toss this hair system and order another one. Even if it’s cheaper to begin with, it is not in the end, either cheap or satisfactory.